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Introduction: Tracing Changes through a Thousand Years

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 1

The chapter Introduction Tracing Changes through a Thousand Years, geared towards 7th graders, dives into a millennium-long journey through history, focusing on the period between 700 AD and 1750 AD. It acknowledges the vastness of this timeframe and the numerous developments that occurred, making it a complex task for historians to piece together.

Here’s a breakdown of the key areas the chapter will explore to understand these changes:

Shifting Social Landscape:

  • The rise of new social and political groups will be a major focus. You’ll learn about powerful entities like the Rajputs, Marathas, and Jats, who emerged and played significant roles during this era.

Technological Advancements:

  • Prepare to delve into groundbreaking inventions that transformed various aspects of life. The chapter will explore how the Persian wheel revolutionized irrigation, the spinning wheel accelerated textile production, and firearms dramatically altered warfare.

Transforming Landscapes:

  • The expansion of agriculture will be examined, including the gradual clearing of forests to make way for farms. The chapter will also discuss the impact this had on forest-dwelling communities.

Unearthing the Past:

  • Get ready to explore the role of written records in understanding history. The chapter will explain how the increased use of paper led to more historical documentation, although deciphering these records can be a challenge for historians.

A World of New Flavors:

  • The introduction of exciting new food crops will be a delightful topic. You’ll learn about how potatoes, corn, chilies, tea, and coffee arrived in the region and became a part of the people’s diet.

Evolution of Beliefs:

  • This chapter delves into the fascinating world of religion, particularly focusing on Hinduism. It will explore how religious beliefs, practices, and the role of Brahmins (priests) underwent significant changes during this millennium.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 1


Let’s Recall

1. Who was considered a ‘foreigner’ in the past?

Ans : In the past, anyone from outside your village or social group, even from the same region, could be seen as a foreigner. It was more about familiarity than nationality.

2. State whether true or false:

  • We do not find inscriptions for the period after 700.
  • The Maraihas asserted their political importance during this period.
  • Forest-dwellers were sometimes pushed out of their lands with the spread of agricultural settlements.
  • Sultan Ghiyasuddin Balban controlled Assam, Manipur and Kashmir.

Ans :

  •  False
  •  True
  •  True
  •  False.

3. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Archives are places where………….. are kept.

(b) …………….was a fourteenth-century chronicler.

(c) ……., ……., ………, ……… and ………… were some of the crops introduced into the subcontinent during this period.


(a) historical records

(b) Ziyauddin Barani

(c) potato , corn,  chillies,  tea,  and  coffee 

4. List some of the technological changes associated with this period.

Ans : The technological changes explored in the chapter include:

  • Persian wheel: This innovation revolutionized irrigation, making it more efficient and allowing cultivation in drier areas.
  • Spinning wheel: This invention significantly accelerated textile production, likely impacting clothing and trade.
  • Firearms: The introduction of firearms dramatically changed warfare, impacting military strategies and tactics.

5. What were some of the major religious developments during this period?

Ans : The chapter on “Tracing Changes Through a Thousand Years” focuses on Hinduism and mentions some key religious developments during this period:

  • Rise of New Deities: The worship of new deities alongside traditional ones gained prominence.
  • Temple Construction: Kings and rulers patronized the construction of grand temples, reflecting the growing importance of religion.
  • Increased Power of Brahmins: The social status and influence of Brahmins (priests) rose significantly due to their knowledge of Sanskrit scriptures and role in religious rituals.
  • Bhakti Movement: The emergence of the Bhakti movement is a potential topic. This movement emphasized devotion and a personal connection with God, potentially challenging the dominance of priests in some aspects.

Let’s Understand

6. In what ways has the meaning of the term ‘Hindustan’ charged over the centuries?

Ans : 

  • Early Usage (13th Century): First used by Minhaj-i Siraj, a chronicler, it likely referred to a specific region under the Delhi Sultanate, possibly encompassing Punjab, Haryana, and the area between the Ganga and Yamuna rivers.
  • Evolving Identity (14th-16th Century): Poets like Amir Khusrau used “Hind” to encompass the cultural aspects of the subcontinent. Mughal emperor Babur, in the 16th century, broadened the term to describe the land, its inhabitants, their culture, and even the unique fauna of the region.
  • Modern Nation-State (19th-20th Century): With the rise of Indian nationalism and the fight for independence, “Hindustan” became a powerful symbol of unity and resistance against British rule. It represented the collective aspirations for a unified India.
  • Present Day: Today, “Hindustan” is widely understood as synonymous with India, the modern nation-state.

7. How were the affairs of jatis regulated?

Ans : The affairs of jatis, the social sub-castes, were regulated in two ways during this period:

  • Jati Panchayats: In some areas, jatis had their own councils of elders known as jati panchayats. These councils likely framed rules and regulations specific to their jati and ensured their members followed them.
  • Village Rules: Jatis also had to abide by the broader rules established for the entire village. These village rules might have been overseen by a chieftain or a village council.

8. What does the term pan-regional empire mean?

Ans : Empires like the Cholas, Khaljis, Tughluqs, and Mughals ruled vast areas with diverse regions, creating what historians call “pan-regional empires.” These empires, though varying in success and stability, left a lasting mark on the subcontinent.

Here’s how pan-regional rule transformed the landscape:

  • Blending Traditions: Distinct and shared traditions emerged in areas of governance, economy, elite cultures, and languages. This was a result of the interaction between the empires’ own practices and those of the regions they conquered.
  • Enduring Legacies: Big and small empires that once ruled these regions left behind their legacies, influencing the character of the subcontinent even after their decline.

Let’s Discuss

9. What are the difficulties historians face in using manuscripts?

Ans : 

  • Handwritten Errors: Manuscripts were copied by hand, and scribes might introduce mistakes like adding, omitting, or miscopying words or phrases. Over time, as manuscripts were copied repeatedly, these errors could accumulate, making it difficult to determine the original author’s intent.
  • Deciphering Handwriting: Since printing presses weren’t around, different handwriting styles were used across various periods. Historians need expertise in paleography, the study of historical handwriting, to decipher these manuscripts.
  • Missing Originals: In many cases, the original manuscripts written by the author are lost. Historians rely on later copies, increasing the chances of encountering errors or changes introduced by scribes.
  • Limited Availability: Many manuscripts are rare or fragile and stored in archives or libraries with restricted access. This can limit the number of sources historians can consult.

10. How do historians divide the past into periods? Do they face any problems in doing so?

Ans : Historians divide the past into periods to make studying vast stretches of time more manageable. This helps them identify patterns, trends, and changes that might otherwise be difficult to see. They categorize these periods based on various factors such as:

  • Social and Political Developments: The rise and fall of empires, changes in political systems, or the emergence of new social classes.
  • Cultural Shifts: The development of new religions, artistic movements, or technological innovations.
  • Economic Trends: Major shifts in trade patterns, agricultural practices, or economic systems.

However, dividing history into periods comes with its own challenges:

  • Artificial Boundaries: Historical events rarely occur neatly within set timeframes. Periods are a helpful tool, but they shouldn’t be seen as rigid categories. 
  • Blurred Lines: Different historians may use slightly different periodizations, leading to some confusion or disagreement.
  • Focus on Periods: There’s a risk of neglecting developments that happened outside the boundaries of a particular period. 

Let’s Do

11. Compare either Map 1 or Map 2 with the present-day map of the subcontinent listing as many similarities and differences as you can find.

Ans : 

  • Map 1: Created in 1154 CE by al-Idrisi, an Arab geographer, it’s a detailed section of the subcontinent from his larger world map. Interestingly, south India appears where we expect north India to be, and Sri Lanka sits at the top. The map uses Arabic script, with familiar places like Kanauj (Uttar Pradesh) spelled as “Qanauj.”
  • Map 2: Drawn by a French cartographer in 1720, this map comes nearly 600 years after Map 1. Geographical knowledge had evidently grown, as this map seems more familiar to us. It also features more detailed coastlines compared to Map 1.

12. Find out where records are kept in your village or city. Who writes these records? Is there an archive? Who manages it? What kinds of documents are stored there? Who are the people who use it?

Ans : Our city’s archives serve as a treasure trove of historical documents. Here, government officials from the Revenue Department meticulously record and preserve valuable resources. The Deputy Director of Archives, or whoever oversees this department, ensures the proper management and care of these records.

Within the archives lie rare manuscripts, official government documents, and a collection of precious books. These resources are invaluable to scholars, researchers, and even government officials who rely on them for their work.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 1


What topics are covered in Class 7 History Chapter 1?

Class 7 History Chapter 1 delves into the rich history of India, tracing changes over a thousand years. It explores various aspects of ancient and medieval Indian societies, including their socio-cultural, economic, and political dimensions.

Why is it important to study Class 7 History Chapter 1?

Studying Class 7 History Chapter 1 helps students understand the historical developments and transitions that have shaped Indian society over centuries. It provides valuable insights into the continuity and change in India’s cultural heritage and socio-political landscape.

How can NCERT Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 1 benefit students?

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 1 offer comprehensive explanations and solutions to questions, enabling students to grasp historical concepts effectively. By using these solutions, students can enhance their understanding and perform well in examinations.

Are there any significant events discussed in Class 7 History Chapter 1?

Yes, Class 7 History Chapter 1 discusses various significant events, including the transition from ancient to medieval India, changes in society and economy, emergence of new political entities, and interactions with other regions.

Where can I find reliable NCERT Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 1?

You can find reliable NCERT Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 1 on platforms like Education85, offering accurate and comprehensive solutions to help you understand the chapter’s content effectively.

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Dr. Upendra Kant Chaubey
Dr. Upendra Kant Chaubey
Dr. Upendra Kant Chaubey, An exceptionally qualified educator, holds both a Master's and Ph.D. With a rich academic background, he brings extensive knowledge and expertise to the classroom, ensuring a rewarding and impactful learning experience for students.
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