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Unit – III

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6th English Chapter 3

Taro’s Reward

Taro’s Reward, from NCERT Solutions for Class 6th English Chapter 3, delves into the heartwarming story of a young woodcutter named Taro and his unwavering devotion to his parents. 

Setting the Stage:

  • We meet Taro, a young man living a simple life with his elderly parents in a small, humble hut nestled on a hillside.
  • He earns their livelihood by working diligently as a woodcutter, braving the elements to provide for their basic needs.
  • Despite his hard work, a constant pang of guilt lingers in Taro’s heart. He yearns to offer his parents more than just the essentials, especially since they are getting older.

A Longing for Sake:

  • The Taro’s Reward story takes a poignant turn one cold evening when Taro’s father expresses a simple desire for a warm cup of sake, a traditional Japanese rice wine.
  • This seemingly ordinary longing weighs heavily on Taro. Sake is considered a luxury, and his meager earnings barely meet their daily needs. Witnessing his father’s disappointment fuels Taro’s determination to fulfill this wish.

A Quest Driven by Love:

  • Fueled by love and a desire to see his father happy, Taro rises before the sun the next morning. He ventures deeper into the forest than usual, his axe striking the wood with renewed vigor.
  • While working tirelessly, a melodic sound pierces the forest’s quietness – the sound of rushing water. Intrigued and thirsty, Taro follows the sound, hoping for a refreshing break.

The Magical Waterfall:

  • After navigating through dense foliage, Taro stumbles upon a breathtaking sight – a majestic waterfall cascading down a rocky cliff.
  • Overwhelmed by the beauty and serenity of the place, Taro leans down to quench his thirst from the cool, clear water. To his utter astonishment, the water has a unique, delightful taste – the unmistakable flavor of sake!

A Revelation and a Dilemma:

  • A realization dawns upon Taro – this is no ordinary waterfall. It must possess magical properties, rewarding those with pure intentions with a taste of the coveted sake.
  • A dilemma arises within him. Should he keep this discovery a secret and enjoy the benefits alone? Or should he share the sake with his father as originally intended?

Honesty Prevails:

  • Choosing the path of honesty, Taro fills a flask with the magical sake-water and hurries back to his parents’ hut.
  • His father, overjoyed to have his wish fulfilled, drinks the sake and regains his strength and spirits. The warmth of sake, coupled with Taro’s act of kindness, brings a sense of profound happiness to their humble home.

News Spreads and Greed Rises:

  • News of the magical waterfall and its sake-like water spreads like wildfire throughout the village. Villagers, driven by greed rather than love, rush to the waterfall, hoping to exploit its magic for their own gain.
  • However, the magic seems to have vanished. The water for them remains just plain water, a stark contrast to the sake-flavored experience Taro encountered.

Rewarding True Kindness:

  • Meanwhile, the tale of Taro’s selfless act and honesty reaches the ears of the Emperor of Japan. Impressed by Taro’s pure intentions and filial piety, the Emperor summons him.
  • Recognizing Taro’s unwavering devotion to his parents, the Emperor showers him with riches. He bestows upon him twenty gold coins, a significant reward that would secure his family’s future.

Legacy of Honor:

  • The Emperor doesn’t stop there. He takes a further step to solidify Taro’s good deed in the minds of the people. He names the city’s most beautiful fountain after Taro, a physical reminder of the importance of honoring parents and the unexpected rewards that come with genuine acts of kindness.

Themes Explored:

Taro’s Reward is more than just a captivating story. Here are the core themes that resonate throughout:

  • The Power of Kindness: Above all, the story emphasizes the power of kindness. Taro’s love for his parents drives his every action, leading him to unexpected rewards.
  • Honesty and Integrity: The Taro’s Reward story reinforces the value of honesty. Even though he had the opportunity to keep the secret waterfall for himself, Taro chose honesty, highlighting the importance of integrity over personal gain.
  • Respecting Parents: The Taro’s Reward story serves as a gentle reminder to hold our parents in high regard. Taro’s dedication to fulfilling his father’s simple wish becomes the foundation for his good fortune.
  • Unexpected Rewards: Sometimes, good deeds lead to unforeseen benefits and recognition. Taro’s story teaches us that kindness often reaps a harvest of blessings, even if not always in the way we anticipate.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6th English Chapter 3 , Taro’s Reward


A. Answer the following questions.

1. Why did Taro run in the direction of stream?

Ans : Taro ran in the direction of the stream for two main reasons, both driven by his situation:

  1. Thirst: The most immediate reason was his thirst. He had been working hard chopping wood all morning in the forest, and with the hot sun beating down, he was quite parched. When he heard the sound of running water, his natural instinct was to head towards it to quench his thirst.
  2. Curiosity:  He had never heard the sound of rushing water in that part of the forest before. This sparked his curiosity, especially considering his location on a hillside. He likely wondered where the water was coming from and what kind of source it might be.

2. How did Taro’s father show his happiness after drinking saké?

Ans : Taro’s father’s happiness blossomed after drinking the sake. The warmth chased away his shivers, and a surge of energy compelled him to dance, a clear expression of his delight.

3. Why did the waterfall give Taro sakeand others water?

Ans : Taro’s Kindness: The story Taro’s Reward portrays Taro as a kind and devoted son who prioritizes his parents’ well-being. He works hard despite earning little and desperately wants to buy sake for his father.

The Waterfall’s Test: The magical water seems to possess the ability to discern intentions. When Taro, with pure intentions, drinks from the stream, it transforms into sake, a reward for his good nature.

Greed of Others: When villagers with selfish motives rush to the waterfall, hoping to exploit it for personal gain, the water remains regular. Their lack of good intentions renders them unworthy of the magical sake.

4. Why did the villagers want to drown Taro?

Ans : The villagers in “Taro’s Reward” wanted to drown Taro based on a misunderstanding and their own greed. Here’s why:

  • False Belief: The villagers heard about the magical waterfall that turned water into sake. They mistakenly assumed Taro had discovered it and was keeping it a secret, enjoying the sake himself.
  • Deception by Appearances: Since only Taro received sake from the waterfall, the villagers couldn’t understand why their water remained plain. They likely didn’t witness Taro’s initial experience with the magical transformation.
  • Anger and Frustration:  Feeling cheated out of a potential source of free sake, the villagers became angry at Taro. Their greed and desire for personal gain fueled their outrage.

5. Why did the Emperor reward Taro? 

Ans : In recognition of Taro’s dedication and kindness towards his parents, the Emperor of Japan bestowed a reward upon him. This act served as a reminder to all children of the importance of honoring and cherishing their families.

B. Mark the right item.

1. Taro earned very little money because 

(i) he didn’t work hard enough.

 (ii) the villagers didn’t need wood.

 (iii) the price of wood was very low. 

Ans : The price of wood was very low. 

2. Taro decided to earn extra money

 (i) to live a more comfortable life.

 (ii) to buy his old father some saké.

 (iii) to repair the cracks in the hut.

Ans : To buy his old father some saké.

3. The neighbour left Taro’s hut in a hurry because 

(i) she was delighted with the drink.

(ii) she was astonished to hear Taro’s story.

(iii) she wanted to tell the whole village about the waterfall.

Ans : She wanted to tell the whole village about the waterfall.


A. Strike off the words in the box below that are not suitable.

Taro wanted to give his old parents everything they needed. This shows that he was…

[Thoughtful , considerate ,hardworking ,loving, honest ,trustworthy, efficient, kind]

Ans : 

  • Thoughtful: He considers his parents’ needs and desires beyond just providing basic necessities.
  • Considerate: He takes their well-being and feelings into account when making decisions.
  • Hardworking: He puts in the effort to ensure their needs are met.
  • Loving: He has affection and care for them.
  • Kind: He demonstrates kindness in his actions towards them.

B. 1. “This made Taro sadder than ever.”

‘This’ refers to

(i) a strong wind that began to blow.

(ii) Taro’s father’s old age.

(iii) Taro’s inability to buy expensive saké for his father.

Ans : (iii) Taro’s inability to buy expensive sake for his father.

2. “This, said the emperor, was to encourage all children to honour and obey their parents.”

‘This’ refers to

(i) the most beautiful fountain in the city.

(ii) rewarding Taro with gold and giving the fountain his name.

 (iii) sending for Taro to hear his story.

Ans : (ii) rewarding Taro with gold and giving the fountain his name.

C. Arrange the words below in pairs that rhyme.

Example: young – lung

money – sunny

[ young sad,money,chop,lung, last,wax,could bad, sound, axe, wood, way, stop, sunny, fast,round,day ]

Ans : 

  • young – lung
  • money – sunny
  • sad – bad
  • chop – stop
  • last – fast
  • wax – axe
  • could – wood
  • sound – round
  • way – day

D. 1. Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

[ lonely thoughtful, little hard ,young ,delicious, beautiful ]

A______woodcutter lived on a_____hillside. He was a____son who worked______but earned______money. One day he saw a______waterfall hidden behind a rock. He tasted the water and found it_______.

Ans :  

  • Young 
  • Lonely 
  • Thoughtful 
  • Hard 
  • Little 
  • Beautiful 
  • Delicious

PoemThe Quarrel

NCERT Solutions for Class 6th English Chapter 3 Poem The Quarrel

The poem “The Quarrel” by Eleanor Farjeon describes a fight between a brother and sister (though it doesn’t explicitly specify their genders). Here’s a summary of the NCERT Solutions for Class 6th English Chapter 3 Poem The Quarrel

  • Sudden Argument: The poem the Quarrel starts with the speaker recalling a quarrel with their sibling. They don’t even remember how it started, implying it was a petty issue.
  • Escalation: One thing led to another, and the argument escalated. Both the speaker and their sibling felt strongly they were right and the other was wrong.
  • Silence and Gloom: The afternoon is ruined due to the fight. They don’t speak to each other and feel miserable.
  • Breaking the Ice: Finally, one of them (poem The Quarrel doesn’t specify who) breaks the silence and acknowledges their mistake. This apology leads to reconciliation.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6th English Chapter 3 ,The Quarrel


1. With your partner try to guess the meaning of the underlined phrases.

(i) And somehow we fell out.

Ans : Meaning: This phrase suggests the speaker and their sibling started arguing or had a disagreement.

(ii) The afternoon turned black.

Ans : Meaning: This phrase doesn’t mean the literal darkness of night. It describes how the argument ruined the speaker’s enjoyment of the afternoon.

2. Read these lines from the The Quarrel poem:

 (i) One thing led to another 

(ii) The start of it was slight 

(iii) The end of it was strong 

(iv) The afternoon turned black

 (v) Thumped me on the back

Discuss with your partner what these lines

Ans : (i) One thing led to another

Meaning: This line suggests that the argument started small but escalated. Perhaps one comment led to another, and things got out of hand.

(ii) The start of it was slight

Meaning: This line confirms that the initial disagreement between the siblings was minor and unimportant.

(iii) The end of it was strong

Meaning: This line contrasts with the previous line and suggests that the argument grew intense and emotional by the end.

(iv) The afternoon turned black

Meaning: This line uses a metaphor. Black is usually associated with negativity and bad moods. It suggests that the argument ruined the siblings’ afternoon, turning it from enjoyable to unpleasant.

(v) Thumped me on the back

Meaning: Depending on the context, this line could have two interpretations:

  • Hostile: It could be a rough or aggressive pat on the back, indicating lingering anger or frustration.
  • Reconciliatory:  It could be a friendly or playful pat, signifying an apology and an attempt to break the tension and make amends.

3. Describe a recent quarrel that you have had with your brother, sister or friend. How did it start? What did quarrel about? How did it end?

Ans :Even though my sister is my best friend and always helps me, we had a disagreement. Feeling super lazy, I jokingly asked her to do my homework for me.  Unsurprisingly, she wasn’t too keen on that idea and told me to tackle it myself. Things got a little heated, and we ended up not speaking for five whole days!  The silence was awkward.  Finally, I decided to talk to Mom about it.  She helped me see how asking her to do my homework wasn’t fair, and that I should apologize.  So, I swallowed my pride and said sorry to my sister.  Thankfully, we were able to patch things up!


What lessons can be learned from “Taro’s Reward” in NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 3?

Taro’s Reward” teaches valuable lessons about kindness, humility, and the importance of helping others, showcasing the rewards of selfless acts.

How does “The Quarrel” poem resonate with real-life situations faced by students?

Taro’s Reward” teaches valuable lessons about kindness, humility, and the importance of helping others, showcasing the rewards of selfless acts.

What do you mean by quarrel NCERT Solut for Class 6 English Chapter 3?

The quarrel started with a small disagreement but quickly escalated into a major fight, highlighting how minor issues can lead to significant conflits.

What does the poem “The Quarrel” discuss?

The poem “The Quarrel” discusses a conflict between two individuals and explores the consequences of their disagreement.

What is the central message conveyed in the poem “The Quarrel”?

The central message conveyed in the poem “The Quarrel” is the destructive nature of unresolved conflicts and the importance of reconciliation in maintaining healthy relationships.

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