Saturday, January 18, 2025

Nutrition in Plants

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1

Plants are rockstars when it comes to making their own food! Unlike us, they don’t need to rely on others for meals. In chapter Nutrition in Plants dives into how plants are self-sufficient through a process called photosynthesis.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Plants are called autotrophs because they can make their own food (auto = self; trophos = nourishment).
  • The amazing process of photosynthesis is their secret weapon. In this process, plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to cook up their food (usually glucose, a type of sugar).
  • Sunlight acts like the stove, chlorophyll (a green pigment found in leaves) is the chef, and water and carbon dioxide are the ingredients.
  • This yummy plant food is then stored as starch for later use.
  • An important bonus of photosynthesis is the release of oxygen, which we all need to breathe!
  • Besides making their own food, plants also absorb nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium from the soil for healthy growth.

Remember, plants are the base of the food chain. They provide food not only for themselves but also for animals (directly or indirectly), making them super important for life on Earth.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1: Nutrition in Plants

Q1. Why do organisms need to take food?

Ans. Organisms need food for three main reasons:

  1. Energy: Food provides the fuel for all our (and their) activities. Whether it’s running, growing, or even thinking, our bodies (and theirs) break down food to get energy to keep going.
  2. Growth and Repair: Just like building a house, our bodies (and theirs) need materials for building and fixing themselves. Food provides the essential building blocks, like proteins, to grow when we’re young and repair injuries throughout our lives.
  3. Overall Functioning: Food is packed with more than just fuel and building materials. It also contains vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that keep our bodies (and theirs) functioning properly. These help fight disease, build strong bones, and regulate many important processes.

Q2. Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph.

Ans. Here is a table distinguishing between a parasite and a saprotroph:

Lives on or inside another organism (host) and harms the hostFeeds on dead and decaying organic matter
Steals nutrients directly from the hostAbsorbs nutrients from decomposed matter
Harms the hostNo effect on the host
NoneRecycles nutrients

Q3.  How would you test the presence of starch in leaves?

Ans. You can test for starch in leaves using iodine. Boil a leaf briefly, then soak it in alcohol to remove chlorophyll (making it translucent). Add iodine – if it turns blue-black, starch is present! Brown means little to no starch.

Q4. Give a brief description of the process of synthesis of food in green plants.

Ans. Green plants are like tiny food factories! Here’s a quick rundown of how they make their own food through photosynthesis:

  1. Ingredients: Plants gather sunlight (energy source), water from the soil, and carbon dioxide from the air.
  2. The Chef: Chlorophyll, a green pigment in leaves, acts like the chef.
  3. The Recipe: Sunlight energy is captured by chlorophyll, which uses it to split water and combine the resulting hydrogen with carbon dioxide.
  4. The Dish: This amazing process creates glucose (a type of sugar), the plant’s food.
  5. The Leftovers: Oxygen, a gas we need to breathe, is released as a byproduct.

Q5. Show with the help of a sketch that the plants are the ultimate source of food.






    +———+      +———+      +———-+

    |  Plant  | —- | Herbivore | —- | Carnivore |

    +———+      +———+      +———-+

          |              |                 ^

          Eat           Eat               Eat (meat from herbivore)

  Decomposers (not shown) break down dead plants and animals, returning nutrients to the soil.

Q.6. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Green plants are called ________________ since they synthesise their own food.

(b) The food synthesised by the plants is stored as ________________ .

(c) In photosynthesis solar energy is captured by the pigment called ________________

(d) During photosynthesis plants take in ________________ and release ________________ .

Ans. (a) autotrophs (b) starch (c) chlorophyll (d) carbon dioxide, oxygen

Q.7. Name the following:

(i) A parasitic plant with yellow, slender and tubular stem.

(ii) A plant that has both autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

(iii) The pores through which leaves exchange gases.

Ans. (i) cuscuta (ii) Insectivorous plant (iii) Stomata

Q.8. Tick the correct answer:
(a) Amarbel is an example of:
(i) Autotroph (ii) Parasite (iii) Saprotroph (iv) Host

(b) The plant which traps and feeds on insects is:
(a) Cuscuta (ii) China rose {iii) Pitcher plant (iu) Rose
Ans. (a) (ii) Parasite (b) (iii) Pitcher plant

Q.9. Match the items given in Column I with those in Column II:

Column IColumn II
Pitcher plant


Column IColumn II
Pitcher plant

Q.10. Mark T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false:

(i) Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis. (T/F)
(ii) Plants which synthesise their food themselves are called saprotrophs. (T/F)
(iii) The product of photosynthesis is not a protein. (T/F)
(iv) Solar energy is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis. (T/F)
Ans. (a) F (ii) F (iii) T (iu) T

Q.11.Choose the correct option from the following.
Which part of the plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis?
(i) Root hair (ii) Stomata (iii) Leaf veins (iv) Sepals
Ans. (ii) Stomata

Q.12. Choose the correct option from the following:
Plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly through their:
(i) Roots (ii) Stem (iii) Flowers (iv) Leaves
. (iv) Leaves

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1: Nutrition in Plants


What topics are covered in NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 1?

Chapter 1 of Class 7 Science explores the concept of “Nutrition in Plants,” focusing on how plants obtain and utilize nutrients for growth and survival.

Can you provide an overview of “Nutrition in Plants”?

“Nutrition in Plants” discusses the process of photosynthesis, where plants convert light energy into chemical energy to produce their own food. It also covers the absorption of water and minerals from the soil through roots.

Why is understanding “Nutrition in Plants” important?

Understanding how plants obtain nutrition is essential as it forms the basis of the food chain and supports all life forms on Earth. It also provides insights into agricultural practices and ecosystem dynamics.

How do NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1 help in learning about this topic?

These solutions offer comprehensive explanations and diagrams to simplify complex concepts related to plant nutrition. They help students understand the processes involved in photosynthesis and nutrient absorption.

What are some real-life applications of the concepts covered in this chapter?

The knowledge gained from studying “Nutrition in Plants” can be applied to various fields such as agriculture, horticulture, and environmental science. It helps in understanding plant growth, optimizing crop yield, and promoting environmental sustainability.

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Dr. Upendra Kant Chaubey
Dr. Upendra Kant Chaubey
Dr. Upendra Kant Chaubey, An exceptionally qualified educator, holds both a Master's and Ph.D. With a rich academic background, he brings extensive knowledge and expertise to the classroom, ensuring a rewarding and impactful learning experience for students.
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