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Unit – I

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 1

Three Questions

The chapter “Three Questions” dives into the story of a king who becomes fixated on finding the answers to three crucial questions he believes will make him a perfect ruler:

  1. What is the right time to begin something? Knowing the ideal moment to start any action would ensure success and prevent mistakes.
  2. Which people should he listen to? Distinguishing the voices worth heeding from those that mislead him would guarantee wise decisions.
  3. What is the most important thing for him to do? Focusing his energy on the most critical task would optimize his reign.

Consumed by this quest, the king offers a hefty reward to anyone who can provide the correct answers. Wise men from all corners of the kingdom flock to him, each offering contrasting viewpoints. The king, overwhelmed by the conflicting advice, remains unsatisfied.

Determined to find a definitive solution, he recalls a renowned hermit known for his profound wisdom. Disguising himself, the king embarks on a journey to seek the hermit’s guidance.

During his travels, the king encounters a wounded man (unaware it’s actually the hermit in disguise). Despite the potential danger, the king demonstrates compassion and helps the wounded man recover. This act of kindness deeply affects the hermit.

Once the king reaches the hermit’s secluded dwelling, the hermit reveals a profound truth: the answers he seeks lie not in external sources, but within the experiences he’s already had.

The hermit explains:

  • The right time is always now. Every moment presents an opportunity to act. Dwelling on the past or waiting for a perfect future hinders progress. The present is all we truly control.
  • Listen to everyone, but decide for yourself. While diverse perspectives offer valuable insights, ultimately, the king must use his own judgment to choose the best course of action.
  • The most important thing is to do what you are doing at that very moment. Fulfilling the task at hand with your full attention is essential. Each well-done action paves the way for the next.

Complete the following sentences by adding the appropriate parts of the sentences given in the box.

  1. Many wise men answered the king’s questions  ……………….
  2. Someone suggested that there should be a council of wise men  ……………….
  3. Someone else suggested that the king should have a timetable  ……………….
  4. The king requested the hermit  ……………….
  5. The king washed and dressed the beared man’s wound  ……………….

but the bleeding would not stop. 

             to answer three questions.

 but their answers were so varied that the king was not satisfied.

and follow it strictly.

to help the king act at the right time.

Ans : 

  1. but their answers were so varied that the king was not satisfied.
  2. to help the king act at the right time.
  3. and follow it strictly.
  4.  to answer three questions.
  5. but the bleeding would not stop

Working with the Text 

1. Why was the king advised to go to the magicians?

Ans :The king was advised to go to the magicians because some people believed that  magicians could see into the future.

Here’s the reasoning behind the advice:

  • The king’s second question was about knowing the right time to do something.
  • Some people thought that to decide the perfect moment, you would need to foresee future events.
  • Since magicians were popularly believed to possess such abilities, they were seen as a potential source for the answers.

2. In answer to the second question, whose advice did the people say would be important to the King ?

Ans : 

  • Councillors: Some believed the King should value the advice of his councillors most. Their experience and knowledge of the kingdom would be invaluable for making informed decisions.
  • Priests: Others felt the guidance of the priests was most important. Their spiritual wisdom and understanding of morality would help the King make righteous choices.
  • Doctors: A few suggested the King prioritize the advice of doctors. Their knowledge of health and well-being would ensure the King’s physical and mental fitness to rule effectively.
  • Soldiers: Still others believed the soldiers held the most crucial advice. Their strength and ability to defend the kingdom were essential for the King’s success.

3. What suggestions were made in answer to the third question ?

Ans : 

  • Science: Some believed that pursuing and understanding science was the most important task. This could represent progress, knowledge, and the ability to solve problems effectively.
  • Fighting: Others argued that fighting and defending the kingdom were the King’s top priority. This highlights the importance of maintaining security and order.
  • Religious Worship: Still others felt religious devotion and following religious teachings were paramount. This emphasizes the value of morality, spiritual guidance, and potentially, divine favor.

4. Did the wise men win the reward ? If not, why not?

Ans : The wise men did not win the reward in “Three Questions.” There are two reasons why:

  1. Varied Answers: When the king asked his three questions to the wise men, they all provided different answers. Some answers might have been contradictory, while others might have focused on different aspects. This lack of consensus left the king unsatisfied because he wasn’t sure which answer was “correct.”
  2. No Single Source of Truth: The story ultimately reveals that the true answers to the king’s questions don’t lie with external sources like wise men. The king learns that the wisdom he seeks comes from his own experiences and making wise choices in the present moment

.5. How did the king and the hermit help the wounded man?

Ans: The king and the hermit (who the king doesn’t realize is the hermit at first) helped the wounded man in several ways:

  • The King provided medical attention: The king cleaned the wounded man’s wound with his handkerchief and kept dressing it until the bleeding stopped.
  • The King offered water: The king recognized the wounded man’s need for hydration and gave him water to drink.
  • They offered shelter: Together, the king and the hermit carried the wounded man into the hermit’s hut and let him rest there for the night. This provided a safe and comfortable place for him to recover.
  • The King showed compassion: Despite the potential danger of helping a stranger, the king chose to act with kindness and care for the wounded man. This act of selflessness likely played a role in the hermit’s decision to reveal the true answers to the king’s questions later.

6. (i) Who was the bearded man ?

(ii) Why did he ask for the King’s foregiveness ?

Ans :  

(i) The bearded man in “Three Questions” was actually the hermit in disguise. The king didn’t recognize him at first.

(ii) The bearded man (who is the hermit) asked for the king’s forgiveness because the king, unaware of the man’s true identity, showed him unexpected kindness.

7. The king forgave the bearded man. What did he do to show his forgiveness ?

Ans : The king showed his forgiveness for the bearded man (who was actually the hermit in disguise) in a few ways:

  1. Offering Medical Care: Despite the potential danger of the wounded stranger, the king took the initiative to clean and dress the bearded man’s wounds. This act of kindness demonstrated a willingness to help, even someone who might have posed a threat.
  2. Providing Comfort: The king didn’t just treat the wound physically. He also offered water to the bearded man, showing concern for his well-being and basic needs.
  3. Promising Support: While the story doesn’t explicitly mention the king saying these words, his actions implied he wouldn’t abandon the bearded man. He offered him shelter for the night, suggesting he wouldn’t leave him vulnerable.

8. What were the hermit’s answers to the three questions? Write each answer separately. Which answer do you like most, and why ?

Ans : The hermit’s answers to the king’s three questions are:

  1. The most important time is always now. This emphasizes the importance of seizing the present moment and acting when the opportunity arises. Dwelling on the past or waiting for a perfect future hinders progress.
  2. The most important person is the one you are with at this particular moment. This encourages the king to be fully present with whoever he interacts with, giving them his full attention and treating them with respect.
  3. The most important thing is to do good for the person with whom you are conversing. This highlights the importance of kindness and compassion in all interactions. Every interaction is an opportunity to make a positive impact.

Why I like the second answer most:

Personally, the second answer, “The most important person is the one you are with at this particular moment,” resonates with me the most. It’s a reminder to be mindful and present in our interactions, regardless of who it is. Giving someone our full attention shows respect and fosters deeper connections.

Working with Language

1. Match Column A With Column B 

Column AColumn B
woundedgot up from sleep
awokegive back
forgivesmall patches of ground for plants
faithfulseverely injured
returnfeel sorry for

Use any three of the above words in sentences of your own. You may change the form of the word.

Ans : 

Column AColumn B
woundedseverely injured
awokegot up from sleep
pityfeel sorry for
bedssmall patches of ground for plants
returnGive back
  1. After tripping on the stairs, I awoke with a wounded ankle and regretted not using the handrail.
  2. Although they had argued earlier, she decided to forgive him for his hurtful words.
  3. He remained loyal to his team, even when offered a position on a rival company.

2. Each of the following sentences has two blanks. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the word given in brackets.

  • He has ………………. to help me. Do you think he will remember his ……………. ? (promise)
  • He has promised to help me. Do you think he will remember his promise ?

(i) The …………………..said that only fresh evidence would make him change his ………….. (judge)
(ii) I didn’t notice any serious………………. Of opinion among the debaters, although
they …………………..from one another over small points. (differ)
(iii) It’s a fairly simple question to ………….., but will you accept my ………….as final ? (answer)
(iv) It isn’t. ……………….. that ……………………should always be the mother of invention. (necessary)
(v) Hermits are…….. ………… men. How they acquire their …… no one can tell. (wise)
(vi) The committee has ……… ……….. to make Jagdish captain of the team. The …………….. is likely to please everyone. (decide)
(vii) Asking for…………………….. is as noble as willingness to ……..

Ans : 

(i) The judge [noun] said that only fresh evidence would make him change his judgment [noun].

(ii) I didn’t notice any serious differences [noun] of opinion among the debaters, although they disagreed [verb] from one another over small points.

(iii) It’s a fairly simple question to answer [verb], but will you accept my answer [noun] as final?

(iv) It isn’t necessarily [adverb] that necessity [noun] should always be the mother of invention.

(v) Hermits are wise [adjective] men. How they acquire their wisdom [noun] no one can tell.

(vi) The committee has decided [verb] unanimously [adverb] to make Jagdish captain of the team. The decision [noun] is likely to please everyone.

(vii) Asking for forgiveness [noun] is as noble as willingness to forgive [verb].

Speaking and Writing

1. Imagine you are the King. Narrate the incident of your meeting the hermit. Begin like this :

The wise men answered my questions, but I was not satisfied with their answers. One day I decided to go and meet the hermit….

Ans : The wise men answered my questions, but I was not satisfied with their answers. One day I decided to go and meet the hermit, a solitary figure rumored to possess otherworldly wisdom. Disguised, I ventured into the forbidden forest, the silence broken only by snapping twigs. After days of travel, I found a clearing with a weathered hut. An old man with a long, white beard sat outside.

This must be him. I explained my quest for the three questions. He listened patiently, then chuckled. “The answers, King,” he said, “lie within your experiences.” With simple stories, he revealed the true meaning. Leaving, I felt lighter. The journey wasn’t for absolute knowledge, but for the wisdom to learn from the present.

2. Imagine you are the hermit. Write briefly the incident of your meeting the king. Begin like this :

One day I was digging in my garden. A man in ordinary clothes came to see me. I knew it was the king…

Ans: One day I was digging in my garden. A man in ordinary clothes came to see me. I knew it was the king, the worry etched into his brow a dead giveaway. He greeted me kindly, but a restless energy crackled around him. He spoke of three questions, burdens on his heart.

I offered him water, a simple kindness that surprised him. As he drank, I saw a flicker of something good – compassion, perhaps. It was enough. I allowed him to help me finish digging the last bed. In silence, the tension eased. Finally, when the task was done, I told him the answers weren’t with me, but within the experiences he’d already lived.

The Squirrel

While “The Squirrel” is a short poem, here’s a detailed breakdown to provide a richer understanding:

Setting and Observation:

  • The poem opens by placing the reader near a tree.
  • The speaker observes a squirrel perched on a branch.


  • The poem uses vivid imagery to describe the squirrel’s appearance:
    • Gray coat: Compared to an “overcoat,” suggesting a comfortable and well-fitting covering.
    • Curvy tail: Described as a question mark (“?”) adding a touch of whimsy and curiosity to the squirrel’s image.

Eating habits:

  • The poem emphasizes the squirrel’s posture while eating: “sits upright.” This detail might suggest a sense of alertness or carefulness while enjoying its meal.


  • The poem hints at the squirrel’s playful nature.
    • The line “He likes to tease and play” suggests the squirrel enjoys interacting with the observer.
    • The mention of running “round the tree” implies the squirrel might engage in a game of chase if someone tries to get too close. However, this isn’t portrayed as fear, but rather a playful interaction.

Overall Tone:

  • The poem’s tone is lighthearted and observational.
  • The description of the squirrel’s appearance and behavior creates a charming and engaging picture.

Possible themes:

  • Nature: The poem celebrates the beauty and wonder of nature as observed through the squirrel.
  • Observation: Appreciating the small details and interactions within the natural world.

Working With Poem

1. Why does the poet say the squirrel “wore a question mark for tail?” Draw a squirrel, or find a picture of a squirrel sitting on the ground. How would you describe its tail?

Ans : The poet says the squirrel “wore a question mark for a tail” for a few possible reasons:

  1. Shape: A squirrel’s tail is bushy and often curls upwards or over its back when perched or running. This curved shape resembles a question mark (?).
  2. Curiosity: Squirrels are known for their inquisitive nature. They constantly explore their surroundings, sniffing, checking things out, and darting around. The question mark tail could represent this curious and investigative personality.
  3. Alertness: Squirrels are very alert creatures. Their tails often twitch and move as they observe their surroundings. The question mark shape might hint at this constant state of awareness and readiness.

2. Do we usually say that an animal ‘wears’a tail ? What do we say? (Think. Does an animal wear a coat? Consult a dictionary if you like, and find out how ‘wear’ is used in different ways.)

Ans : Absolutely right. It’s not usual to say that an animal “wears” its tail. 

3. “He liked to tease and play.” Who is teasing whom ? How?

Ans :In the poem “The Squirrel,” the squirrel is the one doing the teasing and playing. Here’s how we can tell:

  • The focus of the poem: The poem observes and describes the squirrel’s behavior.
  • Phrases like “He likes to tease and play” directly point to the squirrel’s actions.

How the squirrel teases:

  • The poem doesn’t explicitly mention how the squirrel teases, but it hints at playful interaction.
  • The line “round the tree” suggests the squirrel might run around the tree if someone gets too close.
  • This running could be a playful way of inviting someone to chase or interact, but not necessarily out of fear.


What topics are covered in NCERT Class 7 English Chapter 1?

Chapter 1 of Class 7 English includes two engaging topics: “Three Questions” and “The Squirrel.”

Can you provide a brief overview of “Three Questions”?

“Three Questions” is a thought-provoking story that delves into the themes of wisdom and the importance of living in the present moment, exploring the answers to three fundamental questions.

What is “The Squirrel” about?

“The Squirrel” is a charming narrative poem that celebrates the beauty and resilience of nature, focusing on a small squirrel’s industriousness in the face of adversity.

How do NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 1 help in understanding these topics?

These solutions offer detailed analyses and interpretations of the texts, aiding students in comprehending the themes, characters, and literary devices used in “Three Questions” and “The Squirrel.

Why are “Three Questions” and “The Squirrel” significant for students?

These texts provide valuable lessons on wisdom, compassion, and resilience, encouraging students to reflect on life’s deeper meanings and appreciate the wonders of the natural world.

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