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 Electric Current and its Effect

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 10

The chapter Electric Current and its Effect explores the fascinating world of electricity, focusing on electric current and its various effects. Here’s a breakdown of the key concepts:

Electric Current:

  • Imagine tiny charged particles (electrons) flowing in a continuous stream through a conductor like a wire. This flow of electrons is called electric current.
  • Measured in amperes (A).


  • A closed loop that allows electric current to flow is called a circuit.
  • Components like wires, switches, and bulbs are connected in a circuit.

Effects of Electric Current:

  • Heating Effect: When current passes through a wire, it encounters resistance, causing the wire to heat up. This principle is used in appliances like toasters and electric heaters.
  • Magnetic Effect: A current-carrying wire creates a magnetic field around it. Electromagnets, which are essential components in motors, generators, and loudspeakers, utilize this effect.
  • Lighting Effect: When current flows through a filament in a bulb, it heats up and glows, producing light. This is the basic principle behind incandescent bulbs.
  • Chemical Effect: Electric current can cause chemical reactions in certain substances. Electroplating, a process of coating a metal object with another metal, uses this effect.

Safety Measures:

  • Electricity can be dangerous if not handled properly. It’s crucial to follow safety precautions like using insulated wires, avoiding overloaded circuits, and not touching electrical appliances with wet hands.


  • Understanding electric current and its effects is essential for the operation of numerous devices in our daily lives, from lights and fans to computers and televisions.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 10


1.Draw in your notebook the symbols to represent the following components of electrical circuits: connecting wires, switch in the ‘OFF’ position, bulb, cell, switch in the ‘ON’ position and battery.

Ans : 

2.Draw the circuit diagram to represent the circuit shown in fig. 14.9.

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 14 Electric Current and its Effects Q2

Ans : 

3.Fig. 14.11 shows four cells fixed on a board. Draw lines to indicate how you will connect their terminals with wires to make a battery of four cells.

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 14 Electric Current and its Effects Q3

Ans :

4.The bulb in the circuit shown in fig. 14.13 does not glow. Can you identify the :

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 14 Electric Current and its Effects Q4

Ans : 

5. Name any two effects of electric current.

Ams : 

  • Heat things up (heating effect) – like a toaster.
  • Create magnetism (magnetic effect) – used in motors and speakers.

6.When the current is switched on through a wire, a compass needle kept nearby gets deflected from its north-south position. Explain.

Ans : When you turn on current in a wire, it acts like a magnet. This magnetic field pushes on the compass needle, making it spin off course from pointing north. The stronger the current, the bigger the nudge.

7.Will the compass needle show deflection when the switch in the circuit shown by fig. 14.15 is closed?

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 14 Electric Current and its Effects Q7

Ans : Incorporating the fact that there’s no battery in the circuit.

8.Fill in the blanks:

(a) Longer line in the symbol for a cell represents its ___________terminal.

(b) The combination of two or more cells is called a ____________.

(c) When current is switched ‘on’ in a room heater, it ___________.

(d) The safety device based on the heating effect of electric current is called a _____________.

Ans :  

(a) positive 

(b) battery

(c) becomes red hot and emits heat

(d) fuse.

9.Write a following statement true and false:

(a) To make a battery of two cells, the negative terminal of one cell is connected to the negative terminal of the other cell. 

(b) When the electric current through the fuse exceeds a certain limit , the fuse wire melts and breaks. 

(c) An electromagnet does not aatract a piece of iron. 

(d) An electric bell has an electromagnet. 

Ans : 

(a) False

(b) True

(c) False

(d) True

10. Do you think an electromagnet can be used for separating plastic bags from a garbage heap? Explain.

Ans : No , Electromagnets only attract metal, and plastic bags are not metal. So, the magnet wouldn’t pick them up from the trash.

12.Zubeda made an electric circuit using a cell holder shown in fig. 14.16, a switch and a bulb. When she put the switch in the ‘ON’ position, the bulb did not glow. Help Zubeda in identifying the possible defects in the circuit

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 14 Electric Current and its Effects Q12

Ans : 

  • Connect the cells in series: Positive terminal of the first cell to the negative terminal of the second (and so on).
  • Ensure the switch is closed: This allows current to flow.
  • Check that the bulb isn’t fused: A broken filament means no glow.

13. In the circuit shown in fig. 14.17.

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 14 Electric Current and its Effects Q13

Would any of the bulb glow when the switch is in the ‘OFF’ position?What will be the order in which the bulbs A, B and C will glow when the switch is moved to the ‘ON’ position?

Ans : 

Switch Off: No power, no glow (bulbs are off).

Switch On (Series Circuit): Bulbs A, B, C glow one after the other (not all at once).

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 10


How can NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10 help me understand electric current and its effects?

NCERT Solutions provide detailed explanations and examples to clarify concepts related to electric current, such as its formation, flow, and effects on conductors and circuits.

Are NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 10 suitable for exam preparation?

Yes, NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10 are excellent study materials for exam preparation. They cover all essential topics related to electric current and its effects and include practice questions to help you test your understanding.

Can I access NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10 for free on Education85?

Absolutely! All NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10 on Electric Current and its Effect are available for free on Education85.

Are there any practical examples included in the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10?

Yes, NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10 include practical examples and applications of electric current and its effects, helping you understand how these concepts are relevant in real-life situations.

How can I use NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10 to improve my understanding of electric circuits?

You can use NCERT Solutions for class 7 Science Chapter 10 as a comprehensive study guide to review key concepts, solve practice questions, and clarify doubts related to electric circuits. Additionally, you can engage in practical experiments to further reinforce your understanding.

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