Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Unit – V

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NCERT Solution for Class 8 English Chapter 5

The Summit Within

The Summit Within, written by Major H.P.S. Ahluwalia, recounts his experience climbing Mount Everest as part of the first successful Indian expedition in 1965.

The Climb and the Emotions:

  • The journey is described as both exhilarating and dangerous, pushing the climbers to their physical limits.
  • Upon reaching the summit, Major Ahluwalia feels a mix of joy, accomplishment, humility, and even sadness.

Beyond the Physical Peak:

  • He reflects on the experience as more than just conquering a mountain.
  • It represents conquering internal challenges and achieving a “summit within” oneself.
  • He emphasizes the importance of endurance, willpower, and persistence in overcoming any obstacle.

The Takeaway:

  • The chapter goes beyond the physical feat of climbing Everest.
  • It highlights the importance of mental strength and perseverance in achieving personal goals.
  • Major Ahluwalia suggests that everyone has their own “inner Everest” to climb.

NCERT Solution for Class 8 English Chapter 5

Comprehension Check 

1. Standing on Everest, the writer was

(i) overjoyed

(ii) very sad.

(iii) jubilant and sad.

Choose the right item.

Ans : (iii) jubilant and sad.

2. The emotion that gripped him was one of

(i) victory over hurdles.

(ii) humility and a sense of smallness.

(iii) greatness and self importance.

(iv) joy of discovery.

Choose the right item.

Ans : (ii) humility and a sense of smallness.

3. “The summit of the mind” referes to

(i) great intellectual achievements.

(ii) the process of maturing mentally and spiritually.

(iii) Overcoming personal ambition for common welfare.

(iv) living in the world of thought and imagination.

(v) the triumph of mind over worldly pleasures for a noble cause.

(vi) a fuller knowledge of oneself

Mark the item(s) not relevant.

Ans : 

(iii) Overcoming personal ambition for common welfare.

 (iv) living in the world of thought and imagination.

Working With Text

Answer the following questions.

1. What are the three qualities that played a major role in the author’s climb?

Ans :The three qualities that played a major role in the author’s climb are:

  1. Endurance: The physical and mental stamina required to withstand the challenges of a grueling climb like Mount Everest.
  2. Persistence: The unwavering determination and perseverance to keep going despite setbacks and difficulties.
  3. Willpower: The inner strength and focus needed to push through exhaustion and self-doubt to reach the summit.

2. Why is adventure, which is risky, also pleasurable?

Ans : Adventure is fun despite the risk because it breaks routine, lets you conquer challenges, and pushes you to discover yourself – all while delivering a thrill!

3. What was it about Mount Everest that the author found irresistible?

Ans : Everest’s irresistible pull came from its challenge, majesty, and the chance for personal growth it offered.

4. One does not do it (climb a high peak) for fame alone. What does one do it for, really?

Ans : People climb mountains for a variety of reasons beyond just fame, here are a few:

  • Challenge: The physical and mental test of pushing oneself to the limit.
  • Accomplishment: The deep satisfaction of reaching a seemingly impossible goal.
  • Connection with nature: Experiencing the beauty and power of the mountains in a profound way.
  • Self-discovery: Learning more about one’s own capabilities and inner strength.
  • Peace and solitude: Finding a sense of peace and quiet in the vastness of nature.

5. “He becomes conscious in a special manner of his own smallness in this large universe”. This awareness defines an emotion mentioned in the first paragraph. Which is the emotion?

Ans : The emotion this awareness defines is humility.

Standing atop Everest, the vastness of the universe puts the climber’s own existence in perspective. This realization evokes humility, a feeling of modesty and insignificance compared to the grand scale of the universe.

6. What were the ‘symbols of reverence’ left by members of the team on Everest?

Ans : Climbers left items like pictures of religious figures (Guru Nanak, Durga) and Buddhist relics as symbols of faith on Everest.

7. What according to the writer, did his experience as an Everester teach him?

Ans : For the writer, Everest wasn’t just a mountain. It taught him about inner strength, self-discovery, and the importance of conquering personal “Everests” in life.

2. Write a sentence against each of the following statements. Your sentence should explain the statement. You can pick out sentences from the text and rewrite them. The first one has been done for you.

(i) The experience changes you completely.

One who has been to the mountains is never the same again.


(ii) Man takes delight in overcoming obstacles.


(iii) Mountains are nature at its best


(iv) The going was difficult but the after-effects were satisfying


(v) The physical conquest of a mountain is really a spiritual experience


Ans : (ii) The challenges of mountain climbing are primarily physical. Reaching the summit tests one’s endurance and willpower, presenting an irresistible challenge.

(iii) Everest, as the highest and most formidable peak, has thwarted numerous attempts to conquer it.

(iv) Reaching the summit brings a profound sense of accomplishment, victory, and joy.

(v) Mountains offer a way to connect with the divine.

Working With Language

1.Look at the italicised phrases and their meanings given in brackets.

Mountains are nature (nature’s best form and appearance)

at its best.

Your life is at risk. (in danger; you run the risk of losing your life.) (it was his best/worst performance.)

He was at his (it was his best/worst performance.)


in the last meeting.

2. Fill in the blanks in the following dialogues choosing suitable phrases from those given in the box.

at hand at once at all at a low ebb at first sight

  1. Teacher: You were away from school without permission. Go to the Principal________________ and submit your explanation.
    Pupil: Yes, Madam. But would you help me write it first?
  2. Arun: Are you unwell?
    Ila: No, not___________________ Why do you ask?
    Arun: If you were unwell. I would send you to my uncle.
    He is a doctor.
  3. Mary: Almost every Indian film has an episode of love________________________ .
    David: Is that what makes them so popular in foreign countries?
  4. You look depressed. Why are your spirits_______________________ today?
    (Use such in the phrase)
    Ashok: I have to write ten sentences using words that I never heard before.
  5. Your big moment is close______________________ .
    Jyoti: How should I welcome it?
    Shieba: Get up and receive the trophy.

Ans : Teacher: You were away from school without permission. Go to the Principal at once and submit your explanation.

Arun: Are you unwell? Ila: No, not at all. Why do you ask?

Mary: Almost every Indian film has an episode of love at first sight.

David: Is that what makes them so popular in foreign countries?

You look depressed. Why are your spirits at a low ebb today?

Ashok: I have to write ten sentences using words that I never heard before. Your big moment is close at hand.

Jyoti: How should I welcome it? 

Shieba: Get up and receive the trophy! 

2. Write the noun forms of the following words adding -ance or -ence to each.

  1. endure ______________________
  2. persist_____________
  3. signify____________________
  4. confide___________
  5. maintain ___________________
  6. Abhor_____________

Ans : 

endure – endurance

persist – persistence

signify – significance

confide – confidence 

maintain – maintenance

abhor – abhorrence

3. (i) Match words under A with their meanings under B.

Column IColumn II
remoteDifficult to overcome
meansMost prominent
dominantBe overcome / overpowered
overwhelmedFar away from

Ans : 

Column IColumn II
remoteFar away from
dominantMost prominent
formidableDifficult to overcome
overwhelmedBe overcome / overpowered

(ii) (ii) Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with appropriate words from under A.

  1. There were ___________________ obstacles on the way, but we reached our destination safely.
  2. We have no __________________ of finding out what happened there.
  3. Why he lives in a house ______________________ from any town or village is more than I can tell.
  4. __________________ by gratitude, we bowed to the speaker for his valuable advice.
  5. The old castle stands in a _______________________ position above the 

Ans :

  1.  There were formidable obstacles on the way, but we reached our destination safely.
  2. We have no means of finding out what happened there.
  3. Why he lives in a house remote from any town or village is more than I can tell.
  4. Overwhelmed by gratitude, we bowed to the speaker for his valuable advice.

The old castle stands in a dominant position above the sleepy town.

NCERT Solution for Class 8 English Chapter 5 Poem

The School Boy

The poem “The School Boy” by William Blake tells the story of a young schoolboy who dislikes going to school. Here’s a summary:

The Boy’s Displeasure:

  • The poem opens with the boy expressing his dislike for mornings, which used to be joyful but are now associated with school.
  • He compares his forced learning to the withering of a flower, suggesting his unhappiness stifles his natural development.

Longing for Freedom:

  • The boy envies the freedom of birds and the carefree life they lead. He feels trapped and restricted within the confines of the classroom.
  • He describes the teacher as “cruel” due to the perceived limitations placed on his joy and exploration.

A Touch of Rebellion:

  • The boy admits to sometimes feeling drowsy and uninterested in his lessons, unable to find pleasure in books or the “learning’s bower.”
  • This subtle rebellion against forced learning suggests a yearning for a more natural and engaging way to learn.

Possible Interpretations:

  • The poem can be seen as a critique of rigid educational systems that suppress a child’s natural curiosity and love for learning.
  • It might also highlight the importance of balancing education with outdoor play and exploration.

Overall Tone:

  • The poem has a melancholic tone, reflecting the boy’s unhappiness with school. It also uses vivid imagery to contrast the joy of nature with the perceived dullness of school.

NCERT Solution for Class 8 English Chapter 5

Working With the Poem

1. Find three or four words/phrases in stanza 1 that reflect the child’s happiness and joy.

Ans : 

“I love to rise in a summer morn” – This line suggests a general enjoyment of waking up on a summer morning, potentially due to the pleasant weather and association with freedom before school starts.

“O! what sweet company” – This phrase, though referring to the birdsong, hints at the child’s appreciation for nature and the company it provides.

2. In stanza 2, the mood changes. Which words/phrases reflect the changed mood?

Ans : 

“Ah! then at times I drooping sit” – “Drooping” suggests a slumped posture and low spirits.

“And spend many an anxious hour” – “Anxious” indicates worry and unease associated with school.

“Nor in my book can I take delight” – The inability to find enjoyment in studies emphasizes the lack of interest or motivation.

“Nor sit in learning’s bower” – “Bower” typically refers to a pleasant place, but here it might be used ironically, suggesting the classroom is not a place of joy or inspiration.

“Worn thro’ with the dreary shower” – “Worn thro'” implies being exhausted or worn down, with “dreary shower” likely referring to a monotonous and depressing experience of school.

3. A cruel eye outworn (stanza 2)’ refers to

(i) the classroom which is shabby/noisy

(ii) the lessons which are difficult/uninteresting

(iii) The dull/uninspiring life at school with lots of work and no play.

Mark the answer that you consider right.

Ans : (iii) The dull/uninspiring life at school with lots of work and no play.

4. “Nor sit in learning’s bower worn thro’ with the dreary shower’
Which of the following is a close paraphrase of the lines above?

(i) Nor can I sit in a roofless classroom when it is raining.
(ii) Nor can I learn anything at school though teachers go on lecturing and explaining.

(iii) Nor can I sit in the school garden for fear of getting wet in the rain.

Ans :  (ii) Nor can I learn anything at school though teachers go on lecturing and explaining.


What is the main theme of “The Summit Within” in Class 8 English Chapter 5?

The main theme of Class 8 English Chapter 5 “The Summit Within” revolves around self-discovery, inner strength, and overcoming personal challenges.

What lessons can we learn from “The School Boy” in Class 8 English Chapter 5?

“The School Boy” teaches us the importance of freedom, creativity, and the natural joy of childhood amidst the constraints of formal education.

How can we relate to the experiences of the characters in Class 8 English Chapter 5 “The Summit Within” and “The School Boy”?

We can relate to the characters’ experiences by reflecting on our own inner struggles, aspirations, and memories of childhood innocence and education.

What are some discussion points or questions that can be explored further based on “The Summit Within” and “The School Boy”?

Discussion points may include analyzing the symbolism, interpreting key passages, exploring the societal context, and comparing the themes with other literary works.

What moral values are promoted through the stories in Class 8 English Chapter 5?

Moral values such as resilience, perseverance, the pursuit of knowledge, and appreciation for nature are promoted through the stories in this chapter

How do “The Summit Within” and “The School Boy” contribute to character development in Class 8 English Chapter 5 English literature?

“The Summit Within” and “The School Boy” significantly contribute to character development by portraying the inner struggles, growth, and insights gained by the protagonists, fostering empathy and understanding among readers.

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