Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Unit – VI

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 6

This is Jody’s Fawn

Here’s a summary of the chapter “This is Jody’s Fawn” from your 8th-grade English subject:

The Snakebite and the Doe:

  • Jody’s father, Penny Baxter, gets bitten by a rattlesnake while working on their farm.
  • To save his life, they need the heart and liver of a doe, which Penny reluctantly kills.
  • This leaves a young fawn orphaned, and Jody becomes deeply concerned about its fate.

Jody’s Fight for the Fawn:

  • Jody feels a strong sense of compassion for the helpless fawn.
  • He pleads with his parents to let him raise the fawn, even offering to share his own milk.
  • Initially hesitant, his mother eventually agrees, and Jody is overjoyed.

The Search and the Rescue:

  • Jody, along with an older family friend named Mill-wheel, sets out to find the fawn.
  • After a long search, they locate the scared and lonely creature.
  • Jody gently captures the fawn and carries it back home.

A New Beginning:

  • Jody is thrilled to have the fawn, which he lovingly calls “Nibble.”
  • The chapter ends with Jody feeding Nibble, highlighting their newfound bond.


  • Compassion: The story emphasizes Jody’s empathy for the fawn and his desire to care for it.
  • Responsibility: Jody takes on the responsibility of raising the fawn, demonstrating his commitment.
  • Connection with Nature: The chapter explores the bond between humans and animals and our impact on the natural world.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 6

Comprehension Check

1. What had happened to Jody’s father?

Ans : Jody’s father, Penny Baxter, was bitten by a rattlesnake while working on their farm. This event sets the stage for the story’s conflict and Jody’s connection with the fawn.

2. How did the doe save Penny’s life?

Ans : Penny, Jody’s dad, was bitten by a rattlesnake. They used a doe’s heart and liver (folk remedy) in an attempt to save him.

3. Why does Jody want to bring the fawn home?

Ans : Jody wants to bring the fawn home for two main reasons:

  1. Compassion: He feels deeply sorry for the fawn who is now orphaned because of his father’s actions. He can’t bear the thought of the helpless creature being alone and vulnerable.
  2. Responsibility: Jody feels a sense of responsibility for the fawn’s wellbeing since his father’s actions indirectly caused its situation. He wants to take care of it and make sure it survives.

4. How does Jody know that the fawn is a male?

Ans : Jody knew the fawn was male likely because his father told him about the pattern of spots on male fawns.

Comprehension Check

1. Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. What were they?

Ans : Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons:

  1. Uncertainty about the Fawn: Jody wasn’t sure if the fawn was still alive. He didn’t want Mill-wheel to witness the disappointment if they couldn’t find it.
  2. Selfishness: Jody wanted the joy of finding the fawn and reuniting it with him to be all his own. He didn’t want to share that experience with anyone else.

2. Why was Mill-wheel afraid to leave Jody alone?

Ans : Mill-wheel was afraid to leave Jody alone for two main reasons:

  1. Danger of Getting Lost: Jody was not very familiar with the forest. Mill-wheel feared that without him as a guide, Jody might wander off and get lost in the woods.
  2. Risk of Snakebite: The story mentions rattlesnakes earlier, and Mill-wheel understands the dangers they pose. Leaving Jody alone increases the risk of him encountering another snake without someone to help.

Comprehension Check

1.How did Jody bring the fawn back home?

Ans : Jody likely carried the scared fawn for a while, then the fawn followed him home.

2. Jody was filled with emotion after he found the fawn. Can you find at least three words or phrases which show how he felt?

Ans : Jody’s emotions are clear: “delirious,” “lightheaded with joy,” and “stared… with the stare of its liquid eye” (powerful connection).

3. How did the deer drink milk from the gourd?

Ans : Jody hand-fed the fawn the milk by dipping his fingers in the gourd and putting them in the fawn’s mouth.

4. Why didn’t the fawn follow Jody up the steps as he had thought it would?

Ans : The fawn, a wild creature, was likely scared by the unfamiliar house and steps, and unsure the milk source was there.

Working With Text

1. Why did Penny Baxter allow Jody to go find the fawn and raise it?

Ans : Jody’s words convinced Penny. Leaving the fawn seemed wrong.

2. What did Doc Wilson mean when he said, “Nothing in the world ever comes quite free”?

Ans : Doc Wilson meant that Penny must pay back to the doe whom he had killed for his own gain by bringing up her fawn.

3. How did Jody look after the fawn, after he accepted the responsibility for doing this?

Ans : Jody became a surrogate mother to the fawn. He took on the responsibility with great care, even sacrificing his own milk ration to feed the creature. He likely started by dipping his fingers in milk to encourage it to drink, then patiently taught it to use a gourd. This shows his dedication and resourcefulness in raising the fawn.

4. How does Jody’s mother react when she hears that he is going to bring the fawn home? Why does she react in this way?

Ans : Jody’s mom is surprised and disapproves (gasps, turns up nose) of keeping the fawn. It’s likely a burden (inconvenient) and she might not know the fawn’s helpless situation.

Working With Language

1. Look at these pairs of sentences.
Penny said to Jody, “Will you be back before dinner?”
Penny asked Jody if he would be back before dinner.
“How are you feeling, Pa?” asked Jody.
Jody asked his father how he was feeling.

Here are some questions in direct speech. Put them into reported speech.

  1. Penny said, “Do you really want it son?”
  2. Mill-wheel said, “Will he ride back with me?”
  3. He said to Mill-wheel, “Do you think the fawn is still there?”
  4. He asked Mill-wheel, “Will you help me find him?”
  5. He said, “Was it up here that Pa got bitten by the snake?”

Ans : 

  1. Penny inquired if her son truly wanted it. 
  2. Mill-wheel questioned whether the fawn would ride back with him. 
  3. He queried Mill-wheel if he thought the fawn was still in the same location. 
  4. He sought Mill-wheel’s help in finding the fawn. 
  5. He asked Mill-wheel if it was up there where his father was bitten by the snake.

2. Look at these two sentences.

He tumbled backward.

It turned its head.

The first sentence has an intransitive verb, a verb without an object. The second sentence has a transitive verb. It has a direct object. We can ask: “What did it turn?” You can answer. “Its head. It turned its head.”
Say whether the verb in each sentence below is transitive or intransitive. Ask yourself a “what’ question about the verb, as in the example above. (For some verbs, the object is a person, so ask the question ‘who’ instead of ‘what’).

(i) Jody then went to the kitchen.
(ii) The fawn wobbled after him.
(iii) You found him.

(iv) He picked it up.
(v) He dipped his fingers in the milk.
(vi) It bleated frantically and butted
(vii) The fawn sucked his fingers.
(viii) He lowered his fingers slowly into the milk.
(ix) It stamped its small hoofs impatiently.
(x) He held his fingers below the level of the milk,
(xi) The fawn followed
(xii) He walked all day.
(xiii) He stroked its sides.
(xiv) The fawn lifted its nose.
(xv) Its legs hung limply.

Ans : 

(i) Intransitive: Jody then went to the kitchen. (We can’t ask “what” or “who” after “went” because it doesn’t take an object.) 

(ii) Intransitive: The fawn wobbled after him. (Similar to “went”, “wobbled” doesn’t take an object.) 

(iii) Transitive: You found him. (We can ask “who” – You found him.) 

(iv) Transitive: He picked it up. (We can ask “what” – He picked it up.)

 (v) Transitive: He dipped his fingers in the milk. (We can ask “what” – He dipped his fingers in the milk.) 

(vi) Intransitive: It bleated frantically and butted. (Both “bleated” and “butted” are actions the fawn performs without needing an object.) 

(vii) Transitive: The fawn sucked his fingers. (We can ask “what” – The fawn sucked his fingers.)

 (viii) Transitive: He lowered his fingers slowly into the milk. (We can ask “what” – He lowered his fingers into the milk.)

 (ix) Intransitive: It stamped its small hoofs impatiently. (Similar to “bleated”, “stamped” is an action without an object.) 

(x) Transitive: He held his fingers below the level of the milk. (We can ask “what” – He held his fingers below the level of the milk.) 

(xi) Intransitive: The fawn followed. (Similar to “went”, “followed” doesn’t take an object.) 

(xii) Intransitive: He walked all day. (Similar to “went”, “walked” doesn’t take an object.) 

(xiii) Transitive: He stroked its sides. (We can ask “what” – He stroked its sides.) 

(xiv) Transitive: The fawn lifted its nose. (We can ask “what” – The fawn lifted its nose.)

 (xv) Intransitive: Its legs hung limply. (Similar to “wobbled”, “hung” is an action without needing an object.)

3. Here are some words from the lesson. Working in groups, arrange them in the order in which they would appear in the dictionary. Write down some idioms and phrasal verbs connected to these words. Use the dictionary for more idioms and phrasal verbs.

[ Close , Draw , Make , Wonder , Scrawny , Parted ,Clearing , Sweet , Light , Pick]

Ans : 

| Clearing | | Close | | Draw | | Light | | Make | | Parted | | Pick | | Scrawny | | Sweet | | Wonder |

WordIdioms and Phrasal Verbs
ClearingClearing Campaign
Closeclose call, close shave, come close to
Drawdraw a conclusion, draw a crowd, draw a blank
LightIn the Light , Bring to light
Makemake a difference, make a decision, make it up as you go
PartPart with , Parted Comparing
ScrawnyThe Scrawny Neck
SweetHave a Sweet Tooth , Sweet Seventeen
Wonderwonder about, wonder why, I wonder if
Pickpick on someone, pick up the pieces, pick your brain


1. Do you think it is right to kill an animal to save a human life? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans : Killing an animal to save a human is tough. Some say humans have more value, while others believe all life matters. The choice depends on the situation. Think about the threat level, if there are other options, and the type of animal. It’s a tough call with no easy answer.

2. Imagine you wake up one morning and find a tiny animal on your doorstep. You want to keep it as a pet but your parents are not too happy about it. How would you persuade them to let you keep it? Discuss it in groups and present your argu­ments to the class.

Ans : Just like human babies, cute kittens, puppies, and some baby birds have an irresistible charm. As a kid, I craved a furry friend, a cat or a dog. One day, fate delivered a perfect pup right to our doorstep! Unfortunately, it wasn’t met with cheers. Mom wasn’t a fan of pets – worried about chewed furniture, barking, and dirty paw prints. But I promised to take full responsibility, even training the pup. I argued the dog would be both a loyal companion and a watchful guard. Eventually, my persistence paid off, and the little guy became a part of the family!


1. Imagine you have a new pet that keeps you busy. Write a paragraph describing your pet, the things it does, and the way it makes you feel. Here are some words and phrases that you could use.

frisky, smart, disobedient, loyal, happy, enthusiastic, companion, sharing, friend, rolls in mud, dirties the bed, naughty, lively, playful, eats up food, hides the newspaper, drinks up milk, runs away when called, floats on the water as if dead.

Ans : My new puppy, Luna, is a ball of boundless energy! This frisky Golden Retriever pup is as smart as she is mischievous. She can learn tricks quickly but uses her intelligence to her advantage, hiding the newspaper or snatching my slippers for a game of tug-of-war. Despite the occasional naughty streak, Luna is a loyal and happy companion. Her enthusiastic greetings and playful nips keep my days filled with laughter. Even when she rolls in mud after a walk, dirtying the bed, or drinks up all the milk, I can’t help but feel a surge of love for this messy, lovable friend.

2. Human life is dependent on nature (that’s why we call her Mother Nature). We take everything from nature to live our lives. Do we give back anything to nature?

(i) Write down some examples of the natural resources that we use.

(ii) Write a paragraph expressing your point of view regarding our relationship with nature.

Ans : 

(i) Natural Resources We Use:

Nature provides a vast bounty of resources crucial for human survival and well-being. Here are some examples:

  • Air and Water: These life-sustaining elements are essential for all living things.
  • Food: We rely on plants and animals for sustenance, either directly or through agriculture and livestock farming.
  • Fossil Fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas provide energy for transportation, heating, and electricity generation.
  • Minerals and Metals: These resources are used in construction, manufacturing, and various other applications.
  • Forest Products: Wood provides timber for building and furniture, while paper and other products come from trees.

(ii) Our Relationship with Nature:

Our relationship with nature is complex. We are undeniably dependent on it, yet we often exploit its resources without considering the long-term consequences. Pollution, deforestation, and overuse of resources are causing significant damage to ecosystems. We need to shift towards a more sustainable approach, one where we give back to nature as much as we take. This could involve practices like reforestation, using renewable energy sources, and adopting more responsible consumption habits. By fostering a more respectful relationship with Mother Nature, we can ensure a healthy planet for ourselves and future generations.

3. In This is Jody’s Fawn, Jody’s father uses a “home remedy’ for a snake bite. What

should a person now do if he or she is bitten by a snake? Are all snakes poisonous?

With the help of your teacher and others, find out answers to such questions. Then write a short paragraph on—What to do if a snake chooses to bite you.

Ans : In Jody’s Fawn, relying on a folk remedy for a snakebite is a dangerous mistake. Here’s what to do instead if bitten by a snake:

  • Seek medical attention immediately. Dial emergency services or rush the victim to the nearest hospital. This is the most important step.
  • Stay calm and keep the bitten area still. Movement can accelerate venom spread.
  • Remove any constricting clothing or jewelry around the bite.
  • If possible, identify the snake safely from a distance. A picture can be helpful for medical professionals.
  • DO NOT apply ice, cut the wound, or try to suck out venom. These actions can worsen the situation.
  • DO NOT drink alcohol or caffeine. They can interfere with antivenom treatment.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 6

Duck and the Kangaroo

The poem “The Duck and the Kangaroo” by Edward Lear is a humorous look at an unlikely friendship.

  • The Duck: The duck is bored with his life in the pond and yearns for adventure.
  • The Kangaroo: The kangaroo, known for its hopping ability, represents the exciting world the duck desires.

The Duck’s Request: The duck asks the kangaroo to take him on a trip around the world, promising to be quiet and even wear clothes for warmth (socks and a cloak) to avoid bothering the kangaroo.

The Kangaroo’s Concern: The kangaroo is initially hesitant due to the duck’s wet feet, fearing they might cause rheumatism.

The Solution: The resourceful duck assures the kangaroo that his webbed feet are covered in warm socks and he’ll even smoke a cigar to keep them dry!

Happy Ending: Impressed by the duck’s determination and preparations, the kangaroo agrees. Together, they travel the world three times, presumably having a grand adventure.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 6

Working With the Poem

1. Taking words that come at the end of lines, write five pairs of rhyming words. Read each pair aloud.

For example, pond — beyond

Ans : 

roo (kangaroo) – through (kangaroo)

cold (bold) – told (gold)

smoke (cloak) – folk (joke)

steady (ready) – pale (tail)

true (kangaroo) – you (too)

2. Complete the dialogue.

Duck : Dear Kangaroo! Why don’t you

Kangaroo : With pleasure, my dear Duck, though


Duck : That won’t be a problem. I will


Ans : Kangaroo: With pleasure, my dear Duck, though your webbed feet would trouble me terribly. They’re unpleasantly wet and cold.

Duck: That won’t be a problem. I will wear worsted socks and a warm cloak to keep the chill away.

3. The Kangaroo does not want to catch ‘rheumatism. Spot this word in stanza 3

and say why it is spelt differently. Why is it in two parts? Why does the second part begin with a capital letter?

Ans : 

We can find the word ‘rheumatism’ in stanza 3 of the poem. It’s spelled differently here because the Kangaroo is likely referencing an old belief, not a medical term. By splitting the word (“Rheu-” and “-matism”), it emphasizes the illness as something the Kangaroo is afraid of catching, almost like a name.

The capital “M” at the beginning of “Matism” might seem unusual, but it reinforces this emphasis, similar to how we might say “I don’t want to catch the Flu.” In normal writing, though, “rheumatism” would be lowercase.

4. Do you find the poem humorous? Read aloud lines that make you laugh.

Ans : Absolutely! The poem is funny for its absurdity. Lines like “Good gracious! how you hop!” and the duck’s elaborate travel gear (socks, cloak, umbrella!) create a silly image. Even smoking a pipe at sea adds to the humor!


What is the main theme of “This is Jody’s Fawn” in Class 8 English Chapter 6?

The main theme of “This is Jody’s Fawn” revolves around compassion, responsibility, and the bond between humans and animals.

What lesson does “Duck and the Kangaroo” teach in Class 8 English Chapter 6?

Class 8 English Chapter 6 “Duck and the Kangaroo” teaches the importance of friendship, cooperation, and understanding each other’s needs to achieve mutual happiness.

What is the significance of the conversation between the Class 8 English Chapter 6 Duck and the Kangaroo in the poem “Duck and the Kangaroo”?

The conversation highlights the importance of communication and compromise in a relationship. The Duck and the Kangaroo discuss their needs and find a solution that benefits both of them.

How does the theme of adventure manifest in “Duck and the Kangaroo” from Class 8 English Chapter 6?

The theme of adventure is evident through the Duck’s longing to travel and explore the world, and the Kangaroo’s willingness to take the Duck on an exciting journey, emphasizing the joy of exploration and discovery.

In Class 8 English Chapter 6, how does the Duck convince the Kangaroo to take it on a journey in “Duck and the Kangaroo”?

The Duck convinces the Kangaroo by expressing its desire to see the world and offering to sit still and quietly on the Kangaroo’s tail, showing a willingness to adapt and compromise.

What role does the setting play in “This is Jody’s Fawn” in Class 8 English Chapter 6?

The setting, which includes the natural environment and Jody’s home, plays a crucial role in highlighting the challenges and beauty of rural life, as well as the bond between Jody and the fawn.

What is the central conflict in “This is Jody’s Fawn” from “Duck and the Kangaroo” uses playful dialogue and rhyming schemes to create a humorous tone, making the message of cooperation and friendship enjoyable and memorable for readers.?

The central conflict in “This is Jody’s Fawn” is Jody’s struggle to care for the orphaned fawn while convincing his family to accept and support his decision.

How does “Duck and the Kangaroo” from Class 8 English Chapter 6 use humor to convey its message?

Class 8 English Chapter 6 “Duck and the Kangaroo” uses playful dialogue and rhyming schemes to create a humorous tone, making the message of cooperation and friendship enjoyable and memorable for readers.

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